1. Walk, post meals: Walk, at least 20 mins after every meal and 10K+ steps every day. Helps digest better, be mentally more at peace, keeps the blood flowing!

2. Morning Exercise: I will finish a year of working with a personal trainer, picking up weights thrice a week, and doing fun cardio every single day.

3. Conscious nutrition: At work, I consume only home-made food; late night ordering is salads (without sauces) or plain fruit platters. When traveling, its proteins to keep calories in check.

4. Mental health: Over the years, I try to work with people I like, respect, and learn from.

5. Switch off with Buzo: My German shepherd son (means the world to me ) - a large part of my mental nirvana is all him!

(The writer is Founder CEO of Leverage.biz)