​​Conferencing apps are not new and newer ones keep cropping up. ​​NowConfer tries to get around the complexities of organising conference calls by simplifying the process. ​​Though registration (through email or social networks) is mandatory for the conference organiser, there is no need for the attendees to be registered with NowConfer or have the app for voice conferences.

​​The app does away with the need for all the conference participants to log in to take part in the meeting. Once the audio conference is set up, all the participants get calls on ​​their mobiles from the organiser. If the organiser has provided the email ID of the participant, the app will dial the device through the internet. All they have to do is to answer it like a normal call.

​​What makes the app even better is that the conference participants can access the calls even on landlines. ​​But if it is a video conference, all participants must have the app.

​​How it works

​​The organiser has to set up a conference - audio or video - in the app. The conference can be set up for ‘Now’, ‘Later Today’ , Tomorrow or any other date and time. ​​The duration of the conference can also be decided while setting up. The organiser then adds the participants from the phone book.

​​At the appointed time, the app itself dials all the participants, including the organiser. The attendees have to just take the call - and the conference is on. If the participant is not able to take the call, he can later go to the ‘Active Conferences’ tab and join the conference by clicking on the conference name.

​​The initiator has the option to control the conference such as muting or unmuting participants, adding or disconnecting participants. Participants who have dropped off can even be added back to the call.


​​Once the conference is over, it can be configured to automatically save in Google Drive, One Drive or Dropbox. NowConfer itself offers a seven day retention of the conference recording.

​​Conversations tab

​​The Conversations tab allows the participants to chat and send pictures and files during or after the conference. The tab allows the users to take pictures, or choose pictures or files from the device.

​​Sharing screens - Not yet

​​There is one major drawback with NowConfer is that there is no way to share screens or presentations live, but the company says the feature will be added soon.

​​The tests

​​The voice quality is quite good. The app itself lends a helping hand if the network is bad. It suggests moving to a different network like data or wifi. But occasionally, we experienced a slight lag. We also found that the app struggled to open in older phones.

​​What makes the app great is the ease of conference calling. Once the conference is set up, the app takes care of calling the conference organiser and the participants - in their devices. The only quirk is the confusion when the conference initiator gets the call from his own number! The option to automatically save the conference details is also a great feature.

​​NowConfer is one app all the conference app/software biggies must watch out for.